Issues of concern
8:34 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
col•or : noun: Etymology: akin to Latin celare to conceal; 2 a : an outward often deceptive show; color verb; a : MISREPRESENT, DISTORT b : GLOSS, EXCUSE c : INFLUENCE
col•ored b : marked by exaggeration or bias.

During this past summer, we were subjected to various points of view concerning health care reform. Americans were presented with the option of keeping their current plan or selecting a public option plan. The manner in which each side stated their case caused many to question their motives.

Whenever an advertisement has a mixture of truth and falsehood, it affects the way people respond. This manner of coloring the truth to gain an advantage could result in causing many people to become confused, frustrated and angry.

Speak the truth.

Bro. Earl Muhammad
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