4:07 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
To Your Health: "The Berry Benefits"

By Sister Valerie L. Muhammad

*As summer approaches, so many of us look forward to the arrival of fresh berries. Blueberries, strawberries and many others are not only tasty and naturally sweet, but are loaded with tons of nutritional benefits as well. Strawberries are packed with vitamin C which helps our immune system. Blueberries are loaded too with minerals and antioxidants. Remember the expression, *The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice.* There*s truth to it. The pigments that give berries their color, especially the blues and reds, contain substances called phytochemicals and flavonoids that help reduce and prevent some diseases like cancer. Additionally sisters, don*t forget those cranberries. They*re wonderful at helping to prevent urinary tract infections.

So, let*s eat some tasty berries!
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