Inside the mind of an MGT/GCC
8:37 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
Most people either have someone in their family who has an autistic child or knows someone who does. Recent studies show Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the U.S. Autism is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. A serious issue is early diagnosing.

It is mistaken as mental retardation or in many cases it’s seen as a child is “slow” and they will say he will eventually “catch up”. Our loved ones can be negatively affected throughout their lifespan if disparities in early diagnosis and treatment, health, special education and the criminal justice system are allowed to persist. It’s critical we learn more and take a stand on this important issue on their behalf. ********

Sis. Shaunta X
Inside the mind of an FOI
8:36 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
Brothers, have you ever wondered why so many of our children are joining gangs? Or why they are failing in school? Or why are there so many teen pregnancies? Or why they are insensitive to each other?

One possible reason why our children are acting this way is that we choose to ignore what see and hear around us. We cannot and must not take the attitude of inaction until the above problems become personal.

We must begin to confront these problems and be willing to serve and protect our children as well as our community.

Bro. Leonard X
Insight from our youth
8:35 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
Teenage Pregnancy

In schools all over the country today, it is not uncommon to see a 15, 16, or 17 year old girl waddling in the hallways. It isn't rare to see a group of teenage mothers passing around ultra-sounds or baby pictures, either. In fact, it is too common. These days, teenagers are irresponsible and careless when dealing with the pressures of being in relationships. It is like an infectious disease, spreading throughout our community and influencing our children.

Although child bearing is a blessing and gift from God, our children should not be having children while in school. Something has to be done with the rate of teenage pregnancy and motherhood steadily growing. We have to educate our girls to learn how to say no and not to be so gullible. We have to teach our boys to respect our girls and not use them for playthings.

Something has to be done or soon all our babies will have babies and their babies will have babies and so on and so forth, the cycle will be never ending.

Sis. Julie X
Issues of concern
8:34 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
col•or : noun: Etymology: akin to Latin celare to conceal; 2 a : an outward often deceptive show; color verb; a : MISREPRESENT, DISTORT b : GLOSS, EXCUSE c : INFLUENCE
col•ored b : marked by exaggeration or bias.

During this past summer, we were subjected to various points of view concerning health care reform. Americans were presented with the option of keeping their current plan or selecting a public option plan. The manner in which each side stated their case caused many to question their motives.

Whenever an advertisement has a mixture of truth and falsehood, it affects the way people respond. This manner of coloring the truth to gain an advantage could result in causing many people to become confused, frustrated and angry.

Speak the truth.

Bro. Earl Muhammad
8:34 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
A True and Proper Education

We must come up with solutions to resolve the problems that we are faced with daily within our schools. One area that must be addressed and resolved is the lack of presence of us as men in our schools. This violation of our duty as men is a great contributor to the violence in the schools and streets that highlight the need for men to provide positive examples and role models for our young men and women to look up to.

We should take time to visit the schools to be aware of what is going on and volunteer our time to help? We must make a presence to stop the senseless violence that is taking place among our young.

Bro. DeAndre L. Muhammad
Here's to your health
8:33 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
It’s Flu Season

We’ve all heard so much about the flu this season. It seems that everywhere we turn information is given about getting a flu shot. As with any vaccination or shot, it’s a good idea to learn more about the ingredients and possible side effects. A little research on the internet revealed that some side effects could include the following: headache, malaise (feeling out-of-sorts), muscle pain, chills, nausea, fever, and vomiting.

A search of ingredients found the shots to include mercury among other things. It’s up to you to decide if you want to subject your body or anyone else you’re responsible for to this.

Sis. Valerie L. Muhammad
Healthy recipes
8:30 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
Baked Salmon

1 1b. fresh salmon, cut into 4 pieces nonfat cooking spray
seasoning salt 1/4 cup mayonnaise

1. Spray baking dish with cooking spray, arrange salmon in baking dish. 2. Spread with olive oil, sprinkle with seasoning salt, and top with parsley. 3. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes.

Sis. Veronica H. Muhammad
Famous Black Quotes
8:28 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
Famous Black Quotes

We would like to share with you some famous quotes that came from many brilliant minds that helped to shape our community and sparked the minds of so many others. They say words are powerful, read over these few quotes and empower your minds shape tomorrow.

“Greatness occurs when your children love you, when your critics respect you and when you have peace of mind.”
Quincy Jones, Producer, and song writer

“The Battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself (the invisible), inevitable battles inside all of us that’s where it’s at.”
Jesse Owens, Olympian Runner

Bro. Ozinder