Famous Black Quotes
7:20 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Brother Ozinder X

We would like to share with you some famous quotes from the many brilliant minds that helped to shape the black community as well as the world.
"You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man.*
"Frederick Douglass-

" I am America. I am the part you won*t recognize. But get used to me. Black confident, cocky; my name, not your; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own;
get used to me.*
-Muhammad Ali-

*I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can*t accept not trying."
-Michael Jordan-
Healthy Recipe
7:19 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Sister Veronica H. Muhammad

Broccoli Casserole
1 Bunch Chopped Broccoli chopped into florets - cooked until tender
4 eggs
2 cups grated cheese
3 cups Milk
3 Tbsp. Flour
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. White Pepper

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Wash broccoli and mix with cheese. Place into a greased baking dish. In a small mixing bowl, beat eggs, add milk, flour, salt and white pepper. Pour mixture over broccoli and cheese. Bake 45 minutes. Yields 6 to 8 Servings
*Cholesterol: The Good and the Bad* Part 1
7:17 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Sister Valerie L. Muhammad

*Cholesterol * We hear so much about it. Do you know your level? What exactly is it? To make a long story short, cholesterol is a fatty-like substance that is found in our bloodstream and cells. We need it because it helps to produce cell membranes and some hormones. The issue with it is that when too much of it builds up in our blood, it can lead to coronary heart disease and strokes. When our cholesterol levels are checked, the results are in two parts * LDL and HDL. To help transport cholesterol to our cells, substances called lipoproteins are used to do the job. LDL is low-density lipoprotein (the bad one) while HDL is high-density lipoprotein (the good one). LDL is the one that can slowly build up in our blood and cause us problems down the road. HDL is considered *good* because high levels of it seem to help fight against heart attacks. In upcoming issues, we*ll take a closer look at things we can do to keep a balance on our cholesterol levels.

I, personally, am proud to have a strong, black woman as our First Lady, running the country beside her strong, black man.
7:16 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Brother DeAndre' L. Muhammad

A new curriculum and structure of education must be set up to inspire students to take in the great virtue of learning. It is a process that must start from within that allows the students to identify with the author of all knowledge; Allah (God). To teach students in a way where they cannot identify themselves with the creator is to teach them that they are inferior. Quite the contrary when you teach the student in a way where they can identify with the creator, self, and outside of self you are teaching him/her to become a master. The denial of God is the denial of human excellence.
Major Issues
7:12 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Brother Earl Muhammad

The government has just reported that at least 2.6 million Americans are unemployed. A number of states are operating their budgets in the red. As a result of this budget deficit, the funding for many of the services created to assist people is either being reduced or completely cut from their annual expenses.

Schools are functioning with a budget deficit and in some cases they have to contend with low student enrollment. Many families are now in the last stages of foreclosure. It is also reported that violent crime is on the rise.
What if anything can be done to change this trend? Is it possible that we can be part of the solution?

The answer is yes, and the time to act is now.
Youth Generation
7:10 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Sister Julie X

"Yes We Can DID"
January 20th, 2009 - To a select few, it*s just the Tuesday after MLK day. But to the majority, it*s the day we never thought would happen; the inauguration of America*s first Black president, Barack Hussein Obama!

Since his election on November 4, 2008, black people, young and old, have taken on a new state of mind. Even "gangsta rappers" like Young Jeezy, Busta Rhymes, and Lil Wayne, show anticipation for the future of America. The youth seem to be more interested in politics and government now that they can "relate" to their President.
M.G.T. & G.C.C.
7:08 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
(Muslim Girls in Training & General Civilization Class)

By Sister Veronica D. Muhammad
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is March 10, 2009
Do you know your status? HIV is right here at home: Get Tested! Know Your Status! The purpose of this annual day is to raise awareness of the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls and encourage women and girls to take action. We have to end the cycle and take charge of our health. If you or someone you know is living with HIV/AIDS seek help!

Please call 843-870-0645 so that we may assist you in finding the proper resources. Thank you and God bless!
F.O.I. Fruit of Islam
7:04 AM | Author: Charleson Speaks
By Brother Leonard X
Daddy can I borrow $50.00?
A young boy 9 years old asked his father, daddy can I borrow $50, His father was taken a back, gave the boy an ugly look and blasted out at the boy, "I*m out here working hard, can barely pay these bills and here you come wanting me to do more, Take your behind to bed."

As he walked away he thought about his harsh response, He said to himself, let me find out what he wanted the money for, He went to the boy's room and said, son what do you want with $50, very stern. The boy while wiping the tears from his eyes responded, "When I asked you to go bike ridding or to the park with me you say you have to work, "Mom said you make $25 an hour, I wanted to buy two hours of your time." The father filled with shame could only grab his son with the biggest bear hug and thanked his son for a beautiful lesson then proceeded to take the mother and son to dinner. Point; find the time because some one will. Peace.